This business account serves a dual purpose. Open one to become a Sharonview business member so you can take advantage of our additional products and services, and start using it as a foundation for your business savings.
Business Savings
Access to deposit balances with limited transaction needs, while still earning interest1,3
- Account Access via ATM network
- Unlimited ACH/Electronic deposits per month
Cash Transaction Fees apply to all Sharonview Business Savings, Checking and Money Market Accounts as follows: Up to $5,000 per month of cash transactions (deposits and withdrawals) per month, aggregated across all Sharonview Business deposit accounts, are allowed free per month. Thereafter $2.00 per $1,000 in cash transactions (deposits and withdrawals) per month, aggregated across all Sharonview Business deposit accounts.
1. Fees may be incurred when using the card at non-Sharonview ATMs or when transactions result in overdraft activity; $8.00 per NSF item.
*Average Monthly Collected Balance: The average monthly collected balance is calculated by adding the collected balance for each day of the statement period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the statement period.1The monthly maintenance fee can also be waived with a minimum daily collected balance of $1,500 or more in a Business Savings Account, a Business Money Market Account, or a Standard l Business Checking Account.
3. Business Savings accounts require $5.00 minimum to open with no minimum balance per month and no monthly service fee.
Dividend Rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of Aug 05, 2021.
Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends are calculated by the average daily balance method which applies a periodic rate to the average daily balance in your account for the Period. The average daily balance is calculated by adding the balance in your account for each day of the Period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the Period. For all accounts, the dividend period begins on the first calendar day of the month and ends on the last calendar day of the month; dividends are compounded daily and credited monthly. For Certificates, the APY assumes dividends remain in the account until maturity; a withdrawal will reduce earnings. Certificates will automatically renew at maturity after a grace period of 5 calendar days. Share/Savings, Checking and Money Market Accounts rates may change at any time after the account is opened, based on the determination of the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings, after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period. The Dividend Rate and APY set forth in this schedule are prospective rates and yields the Credit Union anticipates paying for the applicable dividend period. Dividends will not be paid if an account is closed before accrued dividends are credited. Fees may reduce earnings. Certificate terms of one year or less will forfeit 90 days dividends; terms greater than one year up to five years forfeit 180 days dividends; terms greater than five years forfeit 365 days dividends. The penalty will, if necessary, be taken from the principal amount of the deposit. The par value of a regular share in this credit union is $5. Refer to your Membership Agreement and Disclosures for complete terms and conditions. Insured by NCUA.