Live it up with your pet. We've got you covered.

Exclusive discounts for Sharonview members
Medical plans for unexpected vet bills
Wellness plans for regular preventative care
Free, 24/7 Vet helpline service
We think all pets deserve to live life to the fullest. That's why we're there for the big stuff, the small stuff, and all the stuff in between.

With Nationwide Pet Insurance, you're free to use any vet, even specialists and emergency providers. So let loose, have fun with your four-legged pal and let us worry about the rest – from everyday care to the "what ifs." Nationwide is recognized for being a top provider for pet insurance 1, so you can put your mind at ease knowing you are providing the best for your pets.
heart-shaped pet paw with plus symbol
whole petSM with wellness
90% back on veterinary bills

Starting at

heart shape with plus inside
major medicalSM Set benefits for accidents, illnesses and hereditary conditions

Starting at

pet paw inside circle
pet wellnessSM
Coverage for shots.
flea control & more

Starting at

Use any vet

Accidents, including poisonings, cuts and broken bones


Common illnesses, including ear infections, rashes, vomiting and diarrhea


Serious/chronic illnesses5, including cancer, diabetes and allergies


Hereditary conditions


Procedures/services, including surgeries, prescriptions, and hospitalization


Basic wellness services, including exams, vaccinations and flea/heartworm preventatives


Additional wellness services, including spay/neuter and dental cleaning


Prescribed therapeutic treatments, including diets and supplements


Reimburses 90% of vet bill7


Annual Deductible




12013 Veterinary AAU. 2Preferred pricing applies to base plan only. 3Premiums vary based on the age of the pet, species, size (as an adult), plan type and state of residence. 4Premiums vary based on the species of the pet and state of residence. 5New illnesses only. Does not include pre-existing conditions. 6Hereditary condition coverage begins after the first year and includes only specified conditions. 7Items such as grooming, tax, waste disposal, boarding, or pre-existing conditions are not eligible for coverage. See policy documents for a complete list of exclusions.

Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance contracts, policies or declaration pages, which are controlling. Such terms and availability may vary by state and
exclusions may apply. Underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (CA), Brea, CA, an A.M. Best A rated company (2013); National Casualty Company (all other states), Madison, WI, an A.M. Best A+ rated company (2014). Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle, and Nationwide Is On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. ©2016 Nationwide.
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Everything we do is geared toward helping you improve your financial standing, all while treating you the way you deserve. Experience the Sharonview difference.